First Aid Skills
A project that trains teachers and students in first aid procedures and provides educational institutions with first aid boxes.
in the event of an accident
University support for the promotion of readingProvide our organization with volunteers and books
In what innovative ways can we improve the quality of the education system through books?stimulate the interest of schoolchildren by providing them with a wide range of books for reading to improve their academic performance. Encourage learners to learn independently and contribute to lasting progress.
What are the virtues of reading?Broadening horizons, Acquiring knowledge Expose readers to new cultural perspectives and ideas.
How can reading have a positive impact on development?Reading can have a beneficial impact on development through the acquisition of knowledge and the development of vocabulary.
How can organizations collaborate with Betfrika on its reading promotion initiative?Through financial support or book donations
Would you like to get involved as a volunteer to help distribute the books collected in schools?If so, please visit the Work with Us section of our website. There you will find an application form specially designed for volunteer services / Volunteering.
Why implement such a project ?
In West Africa, more than 96% of schools do not have a first aid box available even though young learners spend the majority of their time at school. Accidents can happen at any time, from choking to severe allergic reactions, collapses and injuries. And unfortunately some students see their education interrupted due to trauma, an accident that occurred in their school.
general panic situation.
Accidents in schools give rise to panic situations
see stopping classes. This sometimes diverts the attention of those responsible to calming the crowd rather than taking care of the victim.
a wrong diagnosis followed by the wrong action.
Educational staff in most schools have not received appropriate first aid training to help victims. Bad judgments that lead to bad actions.
lack of first aid equipment.
More than 96% of schools do not have access to first aid boxes, so the absence of adequate materials leaves room for the situation to worsen; infections.
help takes time to arrive.
The delay of the firefighters in addition to the absence of first aid worsens the situation of the victims, so the populations opt for alternatives such as taxis for the transport of the victims which also remains very delicate.
How can you contribute to school safety?
the training waves last 3 months and are implemented twice a year.
* 60 schools
* 153 first aid boxes
* 1200 teachers